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【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the relevant factors of head injury andthe traumatic optic europathy.Methods Retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of88patients with traumatic optic neuropathy.Multiple variable analysis was done to filter the risk factors to prognosis in traumatic optic neuropathy.Results The most common causˉes were traffic accident(53.4%)and direct-undirect injury to orbit were most frequently(55.7%),including direct injury to the brows(27.3%).No light perception was found in13eyes(12.8%).The outcome of visual acuity was poorer in patients with the following conditions:no light perception after trauma(P=0.0069),loss of consciousness(P=0.003),fracture of the opticcanal,and absence of VEP.Conclusion Traumatic optic neuropathy included diˉrect and undirect injury type.The intial visual acuity of no light perception,loss of consciousness,and fracture of the optic canal were the risk factors to prognosis in traumatic optic neuropathy.Optic canal CT and VEP were an effective prognosis indicator in traumatic optic neuropathy.It is most effective in treatingtraumatic optic neuropathy with comˉbined Traditional Chinese and Western medicine.
3.3.2 瞳孔反应 受伤失明的瞳孔直接对光反应消失,间接对光反应存在,裴言明 [6] 报道33只眼中有1例双眼虽无光感,但直、间接光反应均存在,其余皆符合上述情况。本文102只眼中,13只眼无光感,瞳孔直接对光反射消失,间接反射存在,在89只眼有残存视力者中,51只眼瞳孔直接对光反射消失,38只眼直接对光反射为迟钝,全部病例中受伤眼瞳孔均有不同程度的散大。
1.1 一般资料 1997年6月~2002年12月在我院门诊和住院连续治疗病例88例,男68例,女20例,单眼74例,双眼14例;年龄最大53岁,最小4岁,平均22岁。
2.1 疗效判定 以伤后6个月视力为最终视力。无效:治疗前后视力无变化或下降;有效:最终视力较治疗前视力提高2行以上(将光感、手动、指数相邻级别之间视为1行)。
Huang Jianhong,Zhang Bin
1.2 就诊视力 无光感13眼,光感5眼,眼前手动6眼,指数至0.09者30眼,0.1者19眼,0.2~0.3者18眼,0.4~0.5者8眼,0.6以上视力者3眼。
摘要:【摘要】 目的 评价头部外伤与视神经损害的相关因素。方法 回顾性分析外伤性视神经病变88例的临床资料。以致伤原因、伤后视力为最终结果,通过临床相关检查手段分析头部外伤与视神经损害预后的因素。伤后视力无光感13只眼,占12。...
3 讨论
3.2 外伤原因及部位 因交通事故为最多,文献报道占60%~70% [4] ,本组为53.4%,其次为高处坠落。关于致伤部位,本组以眶部为最多,占55.7%,其中眉弓部占27.3%,眉弓部受打击,特别易惹起视神经的损伤,因为视神经管的解剖结构决定了眉弓部外侧受力很容易传导到视神经管,是引起视神经管骨折、视神经损伤的重要因素。有报道提示眉弓外侧损伤与伤后有无光感关系密切(P=0.032),认为伤后无光感是影响视力恢复的危险因素 [5] 。
关键词 视神经 损伤 治疗 预后 指征