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注意阅读时间,健康用眼! 2013-04-10   中医诊疗网  www.zlnow.com


  (一)实验材料:抗敏口服液由四川泰华制药有限公司提供,批号980901。由赤芍、甘 草等中药组成。赤芍、地龙、甘草、赤芍+甘草、赤芍+甘草+地龙各100ml,相当于 生药220g,由泸州医学院药剂科提供。实验动物:wistar大白鼠150只,雌雄各半,体重 (200±20)g,一级标准,四川省医学实验动物合格证编号:医动字24101116,泸州医学院 动物饲养科提供。实验期间全部动物饲以标准颗粒饲料,饮用自来水。临床试验对象: 急性荨麻疹患者为1998年10月至1999年3 月我科住院患者,其中患者组20例,男8例,女12例,年龄12~72岁,平均年龄(39.2± 2.7)岁,病期1~6d,平均2.6d,所有患者在采样前3d均停止或不用抗组胺药及免疫抑制 剂,采样前1周未用过皮质类固醇等。正常人对照组20例,均为体检正常人,性别与治疗 组相同,年龄相差不超过3岁。实验试剂及仪器设备:hanks液,ph为7.2,edta的质量浓 度为0.5g/l,天花粉为致敏原,溶剂为市售质量分数为4%~5%氢氧化铝凝胶,临时用5 mg天花粉溶于1ml氢氧化铝凝胶溶解。l2t2台式电动离心机(上海八二二厂产), tg328a型光学读取分析天平(清华天平仪器厂生产);t21型分光光度计(四川分析仪器 厂产)。


  我们在临床上用赤芍、甘草等中药合剂(简称抗敏口服液)治疗急性荨麻疹患者,取得了 较好疗效,为进一步研究其治疗机理,我们作了一系列动物实验和临床试验,现将结果 报道如下。

  【key words】 pharmacotherapy, tcd urticaria interleukin- 2 interleukin- 4

  to adjust serum levels of il- 2 and il- 4 to normal.

  【abstract】 objective to investigate therapeutic mechanism of a chinese medicine decoction for urticaria. methods mastocyte degranulation test and passive skin allergy test were conducted in animal model. a sandwich elisa technique was applied to detect serum il- 2 and il- 4 in patients with acute urticaria before and after oral administration of the decoction.results significant inhibition of mastocyte degranulation was found in mice taken the decoction in comparison with controls.there were significantly increased level of il- 2 and reduced level of il- 4 in sera of patients with acute urticaria. serum levels of il- 2 and il- 4 recovered to normal in patients after taking the decoction. conclusion the chinese medicine decoction appears to stabilize the membrane of mastocytes and inhibit antigen- antibody binding. the decoction is also likely

  (department of dermatology, affiliated hospital,zhenjiiang medical college, jiangsu 212001)

song dongyan,chen deyu,xiong xia.

therapeutic mechanism of a chinese medicine decoction for urticaria

摘要   目的赤芍、甘草等中药合剂(简称抗敏口服液)治疗急性荨麻疹的机理。方法①动物实验:肥大细胞脱颗粒实验,被动皮肤过敏实验;②实验室检测:双抗体夹心elisa法检测急性荨麻疹患者治疗前后il-2、il-4水平。结果抗敏口服液组肥大细胞脱颗粒百分数及吸光度值明显低于其它各组药物(p<0.01),抗敏口服液可使急性荨麻疹患者体内升高的il-4及降低的il-2恢复到正常。结论抗敏口服液可稳定肥大细胞膜、抑制抗原抗体结合、调整il-2和il-4浓度,对急性荨麻疹有较好的治疗效果。
