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【摘要】 目的 探讨老年急性肾功能衰竭(arf)的临床特点。方法 对56例老年(≥60岁)arf患者的临床资料、治疗和转归进行回顾性分析,并与48例青年(≤59岁)患者进行对比分析。结果 感染和药物引起的arf是老年组主要的临床类型,分别占33.9%和19.6%。肾前性(19.6%)和肾后梗阻(14.3%)导致的arf老年组高于青年组( lt;0.05)。与arf并存的慢性疾病,临床并发症的发生率、病死率,老年组均高于青年组( lt;0.05)。接受血液透析治疗的病例数两组差异无显著性( gt;0.05),治疗前、治疗中低血压的发生率老年组高于青年组( lt;0.01)。老年arf患者肾功能的恢复较青年组差。结论 老年arf的原发病病因及临床经过有其特殊性。早期充分血液透析是肾功能恢复的关键,采取个体化安全透析措施后,老年人大多能耐受透析治疗。积极防治基础病,及时正确地处理临床并发症可改善预后。

关键词 肾功能衰竭 急性 老年人

【文献标识码】 a 【文章编号】 1726-7587(2004)05-0591-03
the clinical characteristics of acute renal failure in the elder
yan zhenwen,sheng weiwen,sun ming,et al.
department of nephrology,huadong ho ital,shanghai200040.
【a tract】 objective to investigate the clinical characteristics of acute renal failure(arf)in the elder.methods the clinical information,therapy andprognosis of56elderly patients(≥60years)with arf were analˉysed and compared with that of48younger adult arf patients(≤59years).results arf was induced mainly by infectio (33.9%)and drugs(19.6%)in the elders.the incidence of arfinduced by prerenal factors(19.6%)and post renalne (14.3%)was more prevalent in elderly patients than in the younger adult arf patiet ( lt;0.05).the prevalence of underlying disease,clinical complicatio  and mortality(60.7%)were more often than in the younger patients( lt;0.05).there is no difference between two grou  which treated with haemodialysis( gt;0.05).the incidence of hypote ion was higher than of the younger patients before and during haemodialysis( lt;0.01).renal function recovery delayed in the elderly patients compared with that in the younger arf patients.conˉclusion arf of agedne  has itself peculiarity in original diseases and clinical course.early haemodialysis as positive as po ible plays an important role in renal function recovery.most of the eldely patients can endure haemodialysis as it has taken safety measures by individualizing.establish adequate preventive measures and treatment related underlyˉing diseases and clinical complicatio  might improve the prognosis of arf.
 key words renal failure acute the aged


1 资料与方法

1.1 arf的诊断标准 [1] 在数小时至数天的短时间内肾小球滤过率较基础值降低50%,或血清肌酐(scr)较基础值上升50%,或肾功能急剧减退到需要透析的程度。根据病因将患者分为3组:(1)肾前性arf:指有明显的血容量或心输出量不足等导致肾灌注不良的病因,经扩容后肾功能改善;(2)肾性arf:指肾缺血或中毒引起的肾实质病变,尿检查有蛋白尿、 血尿、细胞或管型尿;(3)肾后性arf:有肾后性梗阻病因,并有泌尿系统影像学检查依据。
1.2 一般资料 1998年1月~2003年12月收住的104例arf患者分为老年组和青年组进行临床对比分析。老年组56例,其中男40例,女16例,年龄60~101岁,平均(79.7±7.2)岁,其中80岁以上31例,占55.4%,平均尿素氮(bun)(28.27±9.06)mmol/l,血清肌酐(scr)(612.5±243.5)μmol/l。对照青年arf患者48例,年龄17~59岁,平均(43.3±11.8)岁,男26例,女22例,平均尿素氮(bun)(30.2±14.05)mmol/l,血清肌酐(scr)(695.03±285.19)μmol/l。
1.3 血液净化方法 arf进入透析的指征为:(1)bun≥21.4mmol/l,scr≥442μmol/l。(2)scr、bun虽未达到上述指标,但存在以下情况:在补充血容量的情况下对利尿剂反应不良,尿量<400ml/d,伴有浮肿、早期肺水肿表现;血钾≥6.5mmol/l;内科难以纠正的酸中毒及电解质紊乱伴意识障碍者立即开始透析。老年组中25例arf合并多脏器功能衰竭(mods)患者采用日间cvvh治疗,血流量150
