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摘要:目的探讨尿毒清对慢性肾衰竭患者脂质代谢紊乱的影响。方法 60例慢性肾衰竭患者随机分为治疗组、对照组;对照组给予慢性肾衰竭常规治疗,治疗组在常规治疗的基础上加用尿毒清颗粒。观察两组治疗前后总胆固醇(tch)、甘油三脂(tg)、高密度脂蛋白(hdl)、低密度脂蛋白(ldl)的变化。结果 治疗后,治疗组tch,tg 明显下降,hdl明显上升( lt;0.05);对照组以上指标较治疗前无明显区别( gt;0.05)。结论 尿毒清颗粒有调节慢性肾衰竭患者脂质代谢紊乱的作用。
关键词:尿毒清颗粒; 慢性肾衰竭; 脂质代谢紊乱
effect of niaoduqing on disorder of lipid metabolism in patients with chronic renal failure
chen ying,jin hai?feng
(department of physiology, ho ital of ya ian university, yanji 133000, china)
a tract:objectiveto study the effect of granules niaoduqing on disorder of lipid metabolism in chronic renal failure(crf) patients. methods60 patients with crf were divided into 2 grou in random: control group were given routine therapy and therapy group were given routine therapy plus niaoduqing . the changes of the level of tch,tg,hdl and ldl in 2 grou were o erved. resultsthe level of tch,tg significantly decreased and the level of hdl significantly increased in therapy group ( lt;0.05) ut there were no significantly changes in control group( gt;0.05). conclusio iaoduqing has a positive effect on disorder of lipid metabolism in crf patients.
key words:niaoduqing granules chronic renal failure disorder of lipid metabolism
1 材料与方法
1.1 病例 60例慢性肾衰竭患者随机分为两组。治疗组30例,其中氮质血症期18例,肾衰竭期8例,尿毒症期4例;对照组30例,其中氮质血症期19例,肾衰竭期6例,尿毒症期5例;两组原发病对等,均为肾小球疾病。健康对照组30例均为健康体检者。
1.2 治疗方法两组均为优质低蛋白(0.6g .kg-1 .d-1)低磷饮食,纠正水、电解质失衡及酸中毒,降压、利尿等一般对症治疗。治疗组在上述治疗的同时加用广州康臣制药厂生产的尿毒清颗粒(主要成分为大黄、黄芪、川芎、丹参、茯苓、首乌、甘草、姜半夏等),疗程8周。
1.3 观察指标 采晨空腹静脉血,测